There is no “magic pill” that will end in us being happy and satisfied in our lives. There is a series of choices, and at anytime we can “choose” differently.

Rather than waiting for “X” to happen-then things will be better.

Lets create that situation. Consciously and Mindfully

  • It is natural to want more, or different. It all begins with a feeling, a yearning. Recognize it. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Travel, Find more time.

    It Starts with the Dream…but that is only the beginning.

  • A dream is just that, until we make conscience choices to make that dream a reality

  • Now the fun begins. Of course there will be bumps in the road. Those bumps make us stronger, more resilient. Those bumps lead us to new adventures, new dreams.

  • Meeting in person or virtually every week for the first month (4 weeks), we work to create a plan, specific to your needs and wants. Outlining specific goal, short and longer term. These goals can including fitness, lifestyle, and/or finance, as examples.

    We learn to both listen to our bodies cues and understand what they are telling us.

    After the initial set up, clarifying specific goals, creating tangible measurable steps to put the plan in place, we meet bi weekly to keep us on track, re-evaluating our time lines as needed.

    Initial Meeting $70 (As always sliding scale pricing is available if needed)

    Package Options: 3 Months $500 / 6 Months $750 / One Year $1000